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Vivantes Hospital

Vivantes is the largest regional complex for hospitals, clinics and dispensaries in Berlin, Germany. This network includes nine hospitals with a total capacity of 5,500 beds, and 12 elderly homes, in addition to departments concerned with rehabilitation in outpatient clinics. Furthermore, Vivantes has about 15,000 employees of which 1,500 are specialist doctors in nearly 100 departments and medical centres. Vivantes offers services to more than 650,000 patients per year, more than third of the total number of patients in Berlin.
Medical Units and Specialties:

Vivantes provides excellent high-quality medical care in the following medical centers:

  • Neurosurgery and Brain Cancer Center.

  • Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center.

  • Orthopaedic Surgery Center (hand, foot and pelvis)

  • Breast Disease and Surgery Centers (breast cancer).

  • Spine Disease and Surgery Center.

  • Endocrine Surgery Center (minute surgery).

  • Vascular and Rib Cage (thorax) Center.

  • Accident & emergency department (A&E) Surgery Center.

  • Cancer Disease and Surgery Center.

  • Ophthalmology Center (corneal transplant and laser surgery).

  • Paediatric and neonatal Surgery Center (birth defects).

  • Liver, Pancreas, and Endocrine Surgery Center.

  • Weight loss Center (bariatric surgery).

  • Urology Disease Center.

  • Nose, Ear, Throat and Head Surgery (cochlear implants)

  • Cardiology Intensive Care Unit.

  • Kidney Disease and Surgery Center.

  • Lung Disease and Infections Center.

  • Digestive system disease Center (including tumors of the stomach).

  • Vascular diseases Center.

  • Center for Diabetes types I and II.

  • Gestational Diabetes Center (Diabetes during pregnancy).

  • Abdominal Surgery Center (endoscope).

  • Dermatology and Allergy Center.

  • Gynaecology, Obstetrics, and Uterus Disease Center.

  • Cell Disease research Center (Pathology).

  • Center of Mental illness and treatment of psychological and psychosomatic diseases in children and young people.

  • Infectious Disease and AIDS Center.

  • Rehabilitation Center (for patients after treatment).

  • Institute of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy


Regularly provided services by Vivantes:
  • The staff at Vivantes speaks many languages ​​including Arabic, English, French, and Russian in order to facilitate the needs of patients.
  • Patients are informed in advance (around 24 hours) on the expected costs of treatment and treatment contracts.
  • The use of the latest medical diagnosis and treatment methods.
  • Providing additional services such as post-treatment rehabilitation and the commitment to detail the costs (invoice) with the utmost precision.
  • Diagnosis and treatment at the hands of prominent doctors and famous university professors from Berlin.
International Competence
Vivantes carried out many international projects in the public and private sectors (in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Russia). It is developing the commercial idea of providing the architecture of hospitals as well as the supervision of technical equipment and employment resources. This is followed through by the joint medical supply under the supervision of the managers and support of German doctors and managers sent by Vivantes to the project location. Vivantes has successfully held several agreements - with both the governmental and the private health institutes in different Arab countries – in different fields including expertise exchange, training doctors and nurses, hospital management and the treatment of patients in Vivantes.

@By RyeSystems desings .. German Gulf Allicance LTD. Berlin


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